ASTRID ROSELINE GÓMEZ PAVÓN is 30 years old, she is teacher in a Primary School, She´s from Almaguer Cauca but actually she is living in Cali.  She affirms that her level of English is basic, and within her strengths she states that she is facilitated in reading and understanding texts, likewise she thinks that her weaknesses lie in listening and speaking, since according to her she can’t practice exercising her skills communicative with the people with whom he lives daily.
Achievements: When the encounters began, she showed some difficulties in her interventions, however, with the passing of time her progress was remarkable, especially, she managed to improve her vocabulary and fluency. His dedication and the fulfillment of his academic duties must be highlighted.


JOSE ANTONIO CHIMA ESTRADA is 29 years old, He works in an agricultural company he is a student. He affirms that the little that I know about English, he learned it in school and watching videos on you tube, he recognizes it as his main flaws in listening because he need to learn more vocabulary, within his expectations is to improve his communication skills and Share your experiences with your classmates. In the first lessons he was shy and introverted but with the passage of time his participations are more active and he has shown progress in the conceptual and in his oral production.

Achievements: At the beginning of the meetings, he was a little nervous and insecure, with the passing of the lessons his security was strengthened, although he claimed to have a very basic level of English, during the meetings, his vocabulary pronunciation and fluency were improving. Unfortunately, he did not participate in all scheduled encounters.

LILIANA MONROY PEÑA is 27 years old, she is from Tocancipá Cundinamarca, she is a primary school teacher, she has been learning English since she was in school, she has a basic level of English and within her strengths are able to understand written texts She says that her main learning needs are improving her speaking and listening skills.

During the encounters it has been observed that although her level of English is very low, she is always willing to participate, she always wants to obtain new knowledge and put them into practice.
Jenny sofía Castro is 32 years old, She is from Zipaquira, She is an elementary school teacher, she has a low intermediate level of English, she has studied English for 2 years, she has a good command of writing since she handles basic grammatical structures, her participation during the lessons has been very active, she’s always trying to get rid of doubts, he asks what he does not know and he learns easily, his main flaw is the speaking although he consults educational resources that help her improve it.

Achievements:  She demonstrated a good command of English during the weekly encounters, his interventions were very accurate according to his level, he uses structures, phrases and expressions that allow him to be easily understood, during the process, a continuous improvement in her speaking skill was observed.  It is worth highlighting her dedication and determination to learn.

ANGELA PARADA is 31 years old, she is from Tibú, she is a consultant in a transport company, she assures that she was always provided with the English language, which she can demonstrate with her interventions in each session, she has an intermediate level of proficiency in English, since she was studying English at the university for 2 years, her pronunciation is acceptable as well as the use of grammar, she is very active in her interventions, although the place where she lives is frequently affected by storms. It has prevented participating in some encounters.

Achievements: She has an acceptable level of English proficiency, uses basic grammatical structures in her interventions, although she has a limited vocabulary, she uses it appropriately according to communication needs, her interventions were very successful. Unfortunately, due to personal difficulties, she was not able to continue attending the synchronic meetings, although alternating activities were assigned to her, she did not present them.

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